Whether for a special occasion or a weeknight dessert, our Marsala-poached pears are delectable served warm with a bit of ice cream or whipped cream. Easier...
HOLLAND HOUSE Sherry Cooking Wine adds a subtle, sweet background flavor to this spicy, Mexican seasoned marinade. Lean, boneless, skinless chicken breasts...
The dipping sauce for our Sake Shrimp Skewers doubles as a sauce in this light and fragrant tofu and vegetable stir fry. Reserve the sesame seeds and cilantro...
Served as a walk-around appetizer in mugs or as a sit-down first course, this creamy soup is as easy as it is delicious -- a mushroom-lover's delight and...
After marinating 30 minutes, scallops are quickly cooked in a lemon and sherry sauce with carrots, mushrooms, pea pods, and green onions for a fast and...
These elegant puff pastry vegetable purses are filled with seasoned corn, mushrooms and spinach before baking to a perfect golden brown. Serve alone or...
The cooking method for this risotto is not traditional, but even without constant stirring the result is excellent. The flavors of grated cheeses vary....
What a difference adding meat and red wine makes to everyday pasta sauce! Leftover roast beef and Holland House Red Cooking Wine work wonders to boost...
Originally from North Africa, couscous is tiny pearls of semolina pasta that is ready to eat in minutes. Often used as a base for stews, couscous is easy...
Originally from North Africa, couscous is tiny pearls of semolina pasta that is ready to eat in minutes. Often used as a base for stews, couscous is easy...
Originally from North Africa, couscous is tiny pearls of semolina pasta that is ready to eat in minutes. Often used as a base for stews, couscous is easy...
What a difference adding meat and red wine makes to everyday pasta sauce! Leftover roast beef and Holland House Red Cooking Wine work wonders to boost...
Center-cut pork chops are so lean that grilling can make them dry. Brining with Holland House cooking wine changes that, infusing the pork with moisture...
Originally from North Africa, couscous is tiny pearls of semolina pasta that is ready to eat in minutes. Often used as a base for stews, couscous is easy...
After marinating 30 minutes, scallops are quickly cooked in a lemon and sherry sauce with carrots, mushrooms, pea pods, and green onions for a fast and...
The dipping sauce for our Sake Shrimp Skewers doubles as a sauce in this light and fragrant tofu and vegetable stir fry. Reserve the sesame seeds and cilantro...
These elegant puff pastry vegetable purses are filled with seasoned corn, mushrooms and spinach before baking to a perfect golden brown. Serve alone or...